Learn to Coach From One of The Best Coaches in Town!
This clinic led by Bobby McCormack is designed for elementary and middle school coaches who are new to coaching, have been away from the game for a while or those that have extensive basketball experience but wonder how to bring it down to the grade school/elementary school level. All attendees will learn to lead a more organized 90 minute practice and use the best drills for your practice. All topics will be demonstrated on the basketball court with actual players and each coach will leave the clinic with a complete guide of the drills discussed and reviewed.
Topics covered include:
- Proper shooting techniques
- Competitive, “live” drills like 2 on 2 continuous and 3 on 3 continuous
- Teaching of fundamentals, repetition, and station drills
- Out of bounds plays
- Half-court traps
- Zone offensive vs man-to-man offensive / Zone defense vs man-to-man offensive
- Rules/relating to officials
- Playing time
Coaches Clinic
Camp Type: Youth Coaches
Location: Saint Louis Priory Gym
Date: TBD