Online Registration:
Online registration is now available for 2024 camps via the secure form below. The safety of your children and our counselors is our utmost priority. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.
Important Notes:
- Wear comfortable clothing, shoes, and socks
- Bring a spill-proof water bottle clearly marked with child’s name
- Campers should bring their own basketball (clearly marked with child’s name) and sanitize them daily.
- Coach McCormack has basketballs available for purchase online here>>
2024 Registration Form
- If Bobby McCormack’s Basketball Camp is forced to cancel camp for any reason, a full refund (less a $15 processing fee) will be issued to all registrants.
- If a parent chooses to cancel their child’s registration, an email must be sent to Coach McCormack at [email protected] requesting withdrawal from camp. Requests must be received a minimum of 2 weeks in advance to receive a full refund less a $25 nonrefundable registration fee.
- Requests made within the 2 week window, for any reason, registrants will be refunded the cost of their camp less our standard $100 nonrefundable fee.
- Requests received less than 48 hours in advance of the camp start date will only be refunded for medical reason, must be accompanied by a doctor’s note, and our $100 non refundable fee will apply.
A Special Thank You To Our Partners